Leads List
Your Leads screen shows all Leads that you've added to Ohmylead and gives you options to search your client list, view client details, and add or import new contacts to your account.
There is also a “team” tab to easily view and organise leads assigned to each team member
All Leads Tab
The All Leads tab shows all new leads and clients in your Ohmylead account. You’ll be able to see each client’s name, and which lead source comes from. Click on any client to view their full details.
New Leads received via integrations such as your website or Facebook Lead Ads will have a ‘New Lead‘ label displayed next to their name.
Use the search box at the top of the screen to find contacts in your client list.
Your client list is sorted by the date the client was added to Ohmylead, with the most recent one at the top.